Cold calling has always been a craft, but it brings new nuances and changes that must be mastered.

Want to learn how to adapt your acquisition strategy to modern requirements and finally be successful? Then, keep reading.

We will dive into the world of systematic processes and learn why sales scripts should be a crucial part of your strategy.

1. The Relevant Message

We all know that times change.

A few years ago, we could get away with generic offers and standard phrases in cold calling.

But nowadays, our potential customers are more demanding than ever.

They have already received similar offers from many companies and donโ€™t want to hear the same thing repeatedly.

They are looking for innovation, for something new and exciting.

And here lies the challenge.

The Relevance of Your Cold Calling Message

If you want to be successful in cold calling, you must ensure that your message is relevant.

This means it must address the needs and problems of your potential customers.

Itโ€™s not enough to list the benefits of your product or service.

Please understand what drives your target audience, their challenges, and how you can help them.

Letโ€™s take an example from the engineering industry.

If you call an engineering consultancy and offer to help them acquire new customers, thatโ€™s good.

But it would be best if you went deeper.

You must understand they might need help finding qualified prospects fulfilling the sales gold standard to help your client.

Your message should focus on how you can help them with this specific challenge.

Uniqueness is Key

A relevant message also means you need to be unique.

It would be best to avoid falling into the trap of saying the same things as everyone else.

If you donโ€™t stand out from the competition, you will be thrown into the same pot and lose the attention of your potential customers.

No one likes to hear the same story for the hundredth time.

To be unique, you need to find out what sets you apart from others.

This can be your problem-solving approach, specific qualifications, or company culture.

If, for example, your company has developed a special system or approach for finding customers, that is your unique selling proposition.

Your message should focus on that and emphasise how you stand out from the competition.

The Power of Individualisation

Another important aspect of delivering a relevant message is individualisation, which many marketers and salespeople do wrong.

Every potential customer is unique, and you should be able to tailor your approach to their needs.

This requires research and preparation.

Before the call, please gather information about your potential customer's company and incorporate this into your message. This will show that you are genuinely interested in their business and not just presenting a standard offer.

Remember that cold calling is often the first contact with a potential customer.

The first impression counts, and a personalised message can distinguish between interest and disinterest.

The Structure of Your Cold Calling Message

Of course, the message is only part of the equation.

The way you present this message is equally important.

Clear and structured communication is crucial.

Your potential customers should immediately understand what you are offering and how it will benefit them.

A proven method is to start with a problem or challenge your potential customer will likely have.

Then, could you present your solution and show how it can help them?

Finally, I suggest clear action steps for the customer to benefit from your offer.

To remind you: Your message must address the needs of your potential customers, be unique, stand out from the competition, and be individualised. With the right message and clear communication, you can capture the attention of your target audience and successfully acquire new customers.

2. Lack of Systematic Processes

Many entrepreneurs, freelancers, coaches, and consultants will face a massive challenge in cold calling: the absence of (effective) processes.

You can't avoid well-thought-out, systematic processes if you want to grow your business and achieve sustainable success.

This is the key to getting your cold calling going and achieving consistent results.

Most people involved in cold calling donโ€™t have a clear plan.

They act without strategy and rely on lucky hits.

But here lies the first big mistake.

If you donโ€™t have a structured approach, your acquisition will resemble a lottery rather than a targeted business process.

With a well-thought-out script, clear structures and arguments are present to persuade potential customers.

To be successful in cold calling, you need a clear strategy.

You need to know your target audience, how to address them, and how to meet their needs.

Successful cold calling is based on a well-thought-out approach tailored to the individual needs of your target audience.

Many "industry professionals" do acquisition tasks without clear guidelines.

This leads to inefficiency and uncertainty.

Your employees canโ€™t be successful if they donโ€™t know how to proceed systematically.

Imagine trying to "battle" each prospect individually and find the perfect response every time.

This is not only time-consuming but also inefficient.

With transparent processes and standards, your employees and sales team will learn to act systematically and successfully.

To tackle these challenges, you need a standardised sales script.

Such a script allows you to work systematically and statistically.

You can ensure that the same positive results are achieved consistently, regardless of your employees' skills.

3. The Wrong Audience

Youโ€™re starting your cold-calling efforts and eager to gain new customers.

You might even have an idea of who your target audience is.

But here lies the third major challenge: the wrong audience.

You may know your target audience well.

You may have a rough idea of who your potential customers could be.

But here often lies the problem: You have an overview, but the details still need to be included.

These details are crucial to optimising and making your cold calling more effective.

Understanding the Side Conditions

To successfully start cold calling, you need to go beyond demographic data.

Yes, itโ€™s important to know the age, region, and gender of your potential customers.

But thatโ€™s not enough.

Here, the side conditions come into play.

These details make the decisive difference.

Consider how many employees a company should have to be an interesting customer for you.

What revenue should they generate for it to be worthwhile for you?

What other criteria must be met before you put someone on your list and start cold calling?

The Power of Filters in Cold Calling

I want you to know that answering these questions significantly impacts your success prospects.

By setting these side conditions, you automatically eliminate a large part (about 80%) of potential customers who do not fit your offering.

This may seem counterproductive at first. After all, you want to generate as many leads as possible.

But the opposite is true.

Focusing on the remaining 20% that meet these conditions significantly increases your chances of success.

You no longer waste time on people who will never become paying customers because they donโ€™t fit your profile.

Increasing Efficiency

A common problem in cold calling is the need for more resources.

Finding and retaining employees is a challenge.

This is precisely why keeping your leads clean and making cold calling as efficient as possible is so important.

When you define your target audience precisely, you can ensure that your limited resources are used optimally.

You can deploy your openers, setters, and closers more targeted instead of wasting them on potential customers who will never become paying clients.

4. No Real Need Anymore

The world around us has changed, and so have the needs and priorities of our potential customers.

Industries that once sought employees to expand their teams are now facing different challenges.

Instead of looking for workers, they are now looking for solutions to attract new customers or reduce costs.

This means that the need for what recruiting agencies, for example, offer has essentially disappeared.

Some may wonder how to respond to these changes.

After all, you still want to be successful in cold calling and selling your products or services even after such a shift.

Letโ€™s examine what you can do to meet this challenge.

1. Search for a New Target Audience

One way to deal with the lack of need in your previous target audience is to look for new potential customers.

So far, the same offering you have made can be offered to other companies or freelancers.

These new target groups may have different needs and requirements that better fit your offering.

2. Develop Additional or New Offerings

Another solution is to develop additional or new offerings for your target audience.

This involves adapting your services or products to meet your customers' changed needs and priorities.

This may require a creative redesign of your products or services to ensure they remain relevant and valuable.

Remember that the market is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to be flexible and adaptable.

You cannot assume that what was successful yesterday will still work tomorrow.

Instead, you will need to be willing to adapt your offering to the changing market conditions continuously.

5. No Perceived Need

This problem arises when potential customers need to realise that they have a problem that your products or services could solve.

Itโ€™s as if they have latent needs waiting to be awakened.

When you think of cold calling, you might think of aggressive sales calls or sending mass emails to a massive list of contacts.

This may have worked in the past, but times are different today.

People have become much more discerning and need more patience for untargeted advertising.

Cold calling requires a more subtle approach.

Instead of simply proposing your offering, you would actually need to convince the potential customer that they have a problem you can solve.

Here are 7 steps to achieve that:

Step 1: Understand Your Target Audience

Before you reach out, please understand your potential customers thoroughly.

What problems might they have that your product or service could solve?

Research their industry, their challenges, and their current needs.

Step 2: Create Relevant Content

Could you create content tailored to the needs of your target audience?

Blog posts, short and long-form videos, reports, and e-books can help grab their attention and spark their interest.

This content should be informative, practical, and relevant.

Step 3: Use Storytelling

Stories are a powerful way to awaken perceived needs.

Could you show them testimonials from customers who have benefited from your product or service?

Could you show how you have already helped others solve similar problems?

Step 4: Ask Questions

When you reach out to potential customers, please ask open-ended questions that prompt them to consider their current challenges.

Questions like "What difficulties are you currently facing in your business?" or "What would you like to improve?" can give you valuable insights about your customer that you can address later in the conversation.

Step 5: Offer Solutions, Not Products

You can refrain from aggressively promoting your products or services in the first contact.

Instead, you can focus on offering solutions.

Could you show how your offering can solve their specific problems?

Step 6: Show the Added Value

Could you clearly show what value you can offer your potential customers?

What benefits do they have when they work with you?

Emphasise the positive impact on their business or quality of life.

Step 7: Patience and Perseverance

Cold calling requires patience.

It may take some time for the perceived need to be awakened in your potential customers.

Be ready to build long-term relationships and continuously deliver added value.


Remember that you can increase your success in cold calling by implementing systematic processes, understanding your target audience, creating relevant messages, adapting to changed needs, and awakening perceived needs.

Be bold and ready to take new paths to reach your potential customers and offer them real value.

The world of cold calling may be challenging, but it also offers countless opportunities to scale your business.

Please feel free to reach out if you're interested in using our approach.