In the digital era, standing out on platforms like LinkedIn can be challenging, especially with the sheer volume of content posted daily. That's why the first few lines of your LinkedIn posts, known as "hooks," are crucial. A compelling hook can mean the difference between a post that fades into obscurity and one that captivates an audience. As LinkedIn Creator Justin Welsh emphasises, think of your hook as a β€œscroll-stopper", or a smarter formulation would be a "pattern interrupt".

The Importance of Hooks

Many creators underestimate the importance of a strong hook. It's tempting to focus the bulk of your attention on the main body of your post. However, without an engaging start, most readers won’t stick around to see what else you have to say. A good hook captures your attention and makes your audience want to read more. Unfortunately, common pitfalls include over-complicating the hook, neglecting clear communication, or poor formatting, all of which can lead your post to underperform.

Two Types of LinkedIn Hooks That Work

To help you refine your strategy, here’s a breakdown of two effective types of LinkedIn hooks, each with examples and explanations of why they resonate so well.

Type 1: How-To Hooks

How-to hooks are straightforward and actionable, making them excellent for drawing in readers looking for immediate solutions or quick tips.

  • Variation 1: "How to [DO X] πŸ‘‡"
    • Example: "How to maximise your LinkedIn profile visibility."
    • Why it works: It promises a clear, actionable step, appealing to those looking to improve their LinkedIn presence effectively.
  • Variation 2: "The Number 1 mistake people make with [X] is [Y]."
    • Example: "The number 1 mistake people make with LinkedIn posts is ignoring keywords for SEO."
    • Why it works: It challenges common beliefs, piquing curiosity about widespread misconceptions.
  • Variation 3: "You've been doing X wrong. Here's why" or "If you [DO X], you’re doing it wrong."
    • Example: "If you’re not customising your LinkedIn outreach messages, you’re doing it wrong."
    • Why it works: It provokes reflection and the desire to improve by highlighting mistakes in common practices.
  • Variation 4: "Improve [X] with One Simple Technique."
    • Example: "Improve your sales tactic with this simple technique."
    • Why it works: It offers a quick, practical solution that can be implemented immediately.

Type 2: Statement Hooks

Statement hooks are designed to be catchy and often controversial, which can make them incredibly effective at grabbing attention.

  • Variation 1: "Unpopular opinion: [Your Statement]"
    • Example: "Unpopular opinion: Marketing on LinkedIn is overrated."
    • Why it works: It challenges the status quo, encouraging readers to engage and share their views.
  • Variation 2: "Hot take: [Your Statement]"
    • Example: "Hot take: Most agencies are useless."
    • Why it works: It stirs controversy and discussion, which can increase engagement.
  • Variation 3: "Hard truth: [Your Statement]"
    • Example: "Hard truth: Not everyone is your ideal client."
    • Why it works: It sets realistic expectations and resonates with shared experiences.
  • Variation 4: "Tough pill to swallow: [Your Statement]"
    • Example: "Tough pill to swallow: Your network size doesn’t guarantee career success."
    • Why it works: It invites readers to reconsider their assumptions and the real value of their online connections.


Crafting effective LinkedIn hooks isn't just about grabbing attention but maintaining it. By starting your posts with a strong hook, whether how-to advice or a provocative statement, you significantly increase the chances of engagement and impact. Remember, in the world of content, a great hook can make all the difference. Use these examples as inspiration to create hooks that stop the scroll and resonate deeply with your audience.